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Product details
File Size: 5796 KB
Print Length: 306 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0385534612
Publisher: Anchor; 1st edition (January 24, 2012)
Publication Date: January 24, 2012
Sold by: Random House LLC
Language: English
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There are, at present, only four laws of thermodynamics acknowledged by science. A recent book, deeply rooted in the four laws but going in a new direction is, Design in Nature: How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology and Social Organization.Written by leading thermodynamics theorist Adrian Bejan and J. Peder Zane, this is probably one of the most important books on the social and political aspects of thermodynamics written in the past ten years but for two very different reasons. One: the author brilliantly describes an implicit law or potential first principle of nature, the Constructal Law, which describes how the tendency for an increasing and more efficient movement of mass and energy through time is ruled by a physical law. This, the book asserts, naturally creates many complex designs that we see in nature that do not violate the laws of thermodynamics. The second reason, which is not quite so flattering, is that his book clearly describes the approach of the modern mind—that despite all his arguing to the contrary, points in the direction that consciousness is either a feature of matter and energy or “the designer†cannot be conceived properly using the imagery of Bejan’s schoolboy God.Bejan absolutely fails to describe what should be obvious to all but not to those who refuse to look: that the universe is, from the point of view of common sense, not unintelligently self-assembling and that a postulated Fifth Law, negentropy, which assumes some sort of teleology in the universe, really needs to be looked at more closely for a more accurate and scientific accounting of the universe.Let’s look closely at what Bejan says:“Of course, there is no conscious intelligence behind these patterns, no Divine Architect churning out brilliant blueprints. To pre-empt any confusion, let me make this perfectly clear: The constructal law is not headed toward a creationist argument, and in no way does it support the claims of those who promulgate the fantasy of intelligent design… [How can he possibly know this from a scientific perspective? Better to take a more agnostic and humble position as in: “we don’t know-periodâ€]. Bejan goes on to say: this raises the question: How come? What causes the constructal law? The short answer: we don’t know. The constructal law is what is known in science as a first principle, an idea that cannot be deduced or derived from other laws (if it could, it would be a theorem. It just is—a law of physics that governs the emergence of macroscopic shape and structure in nature. The constructal law tells us why those patterns arise and empowers us to predict how they should change in the future. It reveals that it is not love or money that makes the world go round but flow and design.â€This is quite amusing from a metaphysical perspective. He knows that intelligent design is a “fantasy†but he doesn’t know why the constructal law works. Just make up first principles and poof—no need to inquire further. This sort of argument, much like natural selection being pimped as the only motor of evolution, is a partial explanation posing as a final theory.Entropy does create efficient dispersion patterns from original energy sources, and it is also observably true that all flow systems tend to generate better and more complex conduits for the currents that flow through them due to relational factors such as gravity, pressure, time and temperature. This “tendency†simply described doesn’t tell us why such systems should accumulate ever increasing amounts of energy, but it does very well describe the energy output of vice. The tendency of flow systems towards complex arrangements for dispersal, and even self-organization, does not adequately describe moral and intellectual excellence or the human tendency to invest enormous amounts of energy into beliefs and other systems, except as a kind of contextual background for the way all material things behave. If we took Bejan’s analysis seriously, we would have to conclude that all human activity was simply a way of dispersing excess energy—perhaps more like a complex drainage system than the kind of meaning typically ascribed to human activity. What would be the point of organisms, considered as a whole, to harvest energy in ever more complex ways only to then disperse or get rid of it? There is no sense of teleology in Bejan’s system, although he would probably ascribe such meaning to the complex interplay of various forms of energy. I liken this to showing up at a sumptuous banquet in a palace with thousands of well-dressed guests in attendance and arguing that there is no host.The tendency to invest energy into complex systems of machinery and thought might be thought of as being somewhat alien to the constructal law, except by way of appearance, and much more closely related to negentropy or the tendency to wind things up. Note how negative entropy is described in the dictionary: “Negative entropy, or negentropy, roughly refers to the degree of order or organization within a closed system.†That is only part of what negentropy might mean. Here is an alternative scientific opinion.“There are, technically speaking, only Four Laws of Thermodynamics but a Fifth Law of Thermodynamics has been proposed by physicist Philip Carr:“The missing link in thermodynamics as taught in schools today seems to be a concise explanation of why order and structures abound in a universe purported to be driven by a Second Law [popularly known as the Law of Entropy] that states that disorder increases, always and everywhere. This short note is provided in order to stimulate discussion around a possible Fifth Law which predicts what we observe, which is that order and structures should actually predominate in the world in which we live.†Based on this model and observations the proposed 5th Law of Thermodynamics criticizes the notion of stochastically generated order."An open system containing a large mixture of similar automatons, placed in contact with a non-equilibrated environment, has a finite probability of supporting the spontaneous generation and growth of self-constructing machines of unlimited complexity."This proposed Fifth Law of Thermodynamics is also known, in some circles, as negentropy. Negentropy was proposed by the physicist Schrödinger as a kind of free energy that accumulates within systems that store energy but it is facetious to assume that the storage of extra energy might necessarily result in greater order, (and complexity) except by way of increasing the means of storage. The Fifth Law of Thermodynamics supports the notion of creation by an outside force such as the Unmoved Mover or God.So, let’s get back to Existence. Existence does NOT exist—it IS. Something that does not exist generates all that exists. Energy and mass exist. Therefore, there are only two possible conclusions regarding origin. One: energy is eternal, and concomitantly, consciousness may only be a higher order feature of energy and mass. This is the position of an elevated atheism. Two: all that exists depends on something that does not exist. This is the philosophical and metaphysical explanation of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas that leaves the door open to providence, grace, honor and beauty. The former is a closed universe going nowhere. When you die you return to energy for re-cycling. End of story. The world of negentropy preserves a universe where honor, beauty and goodness are desirable for more than just subjective reasons. Where is the goodness and beauty in the cold atheism of abortion or the moral weirdness of sexual perversion? The desire for a stochastic or randomly generated universe is a moral-free universe from the perspective of objective morality. A stochastic universe fits the process morality of pure subjectivity and is the universal choice of moralists on the left. Make no mistake about it. The present political tension in the US is really about atheistic morality versus the flawed but traditional morality of the Founders. Conservatives, for all their faults, tend to support the intent of the Founders. What the left thinks it is supporting, in regards to many issues, is nothing but entropy in the guise of concern.Throw a set of marbles down and watch them roll. They will describe a random pattern of energy dispersion based on various resistances of friction, gravity, direction, etc. What the pattern does not tell you is who threw the marbles.For a more interesting analysis of causality than that implicitly presented by Bejan, turn to God Has Skin in the Game: How a New Understanding of Politics and the Soul Could Change America by Sean O'Reilly
Adrian Bejan is a brilliant engineer and an invaluable asset to the scientific community. His theory on Constructal Law seeks to bridge the gap between the many long believed disparate fields of study. A must read for any physics/science enthusiasts, or those with a genuine interest in the underpinnings of reality.
Design in Nature Adrian BejanI love it when ideas from disparate fields come together; it is the source of the thoughtful "Aha" moment. Bejan's thesis is the patterns we see in nature are the result of a constructal law that favors efficiency of flow. He posits the 3rd law of thermodynamics."Where the second law describes the universal tendency to flow from high to low, the constructal law describes the universal tendency to generate evolving configurations that facilitate flow. … Together they capture nature much more firmly than the second law alone."While Bejan disavows any spiritual or atheistic intent the only reasonable conclusion is that there is an interconnectedness to all of life, what we view as animate, as well as what appears inanimate that is very ‘Buddhist' in nature. That particular strand of thought is found in The Quantum and the Lotus.I have enjoyed the work of Gerald Diamond, in particular, Guns, Germs and Steel, which takes a more geographical approach to our historical narrative. This lead me to Manual De Landa, who is somewhat more difficult to access (it needs to seep in) whose 1000 years of Non-Linear History describe "the self-directed processes of matter and energy interacting with the whim and will of human history itself to form a panoramic vision of the West … the source of all concrete forms in the West's history are shown to derive from internal morphogenetic capabilities that lie within the flow of matter-energy itself. Bejan's constructal law is a first principle description of both Diamond's and De Landa's work. And I found the Bejan's explanation was more simplified and easier to digest.I found Design in nature to be an energizing book and in a fractal or scaling way an excellent example of the constructal law Bejan describes and promotes. It is readily understandable to a lay audience, most of the math is stripped away, and it provides a view that well may be the early tremor of a paradigm shift in scientific thought.
Todo bien
Helps to explain some of the more complex deign features in Nature, that can seem implausible otherwise.
I just loved it. Myself being an engineer and a "Darwinian", the Constructal Law of Adrian Bejan opened new insights in front of me. I am looking at things around me "moving" and trying to figure out how that motion could fit into this new physics law and "design in nature". Just wonderful..
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